As many of you may know, for the past several years we have been publishing extensively on the “Art & Science of Transformation” of organizations.
- Over 65 articles in 3rd party Journals
- Over 35 White Papers – fully referenced; each between 35 and 70 pages in length.
on a broad range of functional topics such as: Information Technology, Human Resource Management, Risk Management, Lean and Operational Efficiency, Marketing and Sales, Outsourcing, Records Management, Procurement and Contract Management, and Program and Project Management – to name a few.
Each of these is available on a complimentary basis through our website at .
Today and for the remainder of the month (just in time for Christmas / Holiday gifts), we are also making each of our 4 books available at a 15% discount. Our publisher has advised us that as of November 1, they will only be distributing the books through Amazon and other major online and offline bookstores and retailers. As such, this discount offer will automatically end on October 31, 2017.
If you are interested in exploring this offer further - reviewing the tables of content and testimonials - please visit our website through the link below. To take advantage of the discount, please enter XA7GPNN8 as the discount code.
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Also, a reminder that we are moving communications about new updates to our company LinkedIn and Twitter accounts at SSI LinkedIn and Schroeder Insights (or me personally at Personal LinkedIn ) ... so please follow us there if you want the complete and latest list of items.
Please feel free to reach out any time if you would like to discuss or explore further.